Being Thankful

Being Thankful,

Living in the moment is easy for some, having everything planned out to a tee is what makes others more happy.  I find myself somewhere in the middle.  I believe that being thankful helps us both live in the moment and plan for future happiness.  

Daily I complain about this or that and then I catch myself thinking how lucky I am and thankful for the many blessings that I have the opportunity to experience on a daily basis.

Here are a few of mine:

  1. Fresh Brewed Coffee - usually made by my husband.
  2. Comfortable bed to read and relax in every night.
  3. Hot showers and bath steamers to clear my mind. 
  4. Tasty foods - and savory sweets.
  5. My Family - being able to still have my father and in-laws in our lives.
  6. My three grown children who are all great people and who are now raising the sweetest little people❤️
  7. Friends who accept me for all the crazy that I am.
  8. Work that challenges my brain.  
  9. My Fur babies who offer unconditional love!
  10. Books, books, books - I love a great mystery or adventure.
  11. Technology is grand, it allows me the means to communicate and stay in touch with my family and friends!

My point is that living in the moment and also planned happiness can lead us to thankfulness. What are you thankful for in your life?  

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